
what is intelligent seeding wall

Sorting seeding wall is a sorting accuracy of up to 99.99% of the automatic sorting equipment, when it works, the goods will pass through the conveyor belt into the seeding wall, and then through the camera to take pictures. During the photographing process, the computer vision system of the seeding wall will recognize the goods and determine their destinations. After the identification is completed, the seeding wall is grabbed by the robot and placed in the corresponding distribution area, the whole process is accurate and efficient, not only reducing labor costs, but also improving the efficiency of the sorting work.
Today, the sorting seeding wall has evolved from the basic type to the rotating type, which is able to realize 24-hour uninterrupted operation, so that the sorting efficiency is increased to more than 5 times.


These seeding walls are not limited to the e-commerce industry, but are widely used in courier companies, storage centers, and even the medical industry.

However, the quality and performance of the sorting seeding wall is limited by the transmission products, if you want to ensure better product quality, equipment manufacturers have put forward new requirements for transmission products:

(1) The accuracy of the pulleys still needs to be improved;

(2) Conveyor belts need to be accurately positioned;

(3) Synchronous belts need to solve the noise problem.

Post time: Mar-11-2024